Monday, April 20, 2009

Messed Up Spirit

It is already mid-april, i'm starting to panic for my exams...for once in my studying life, i'm worried for my exams. So can you guess how screwed am i now.

Despite saying that, my mind doesn't seem to have the concentration that i need for my studies...why is that so? I wish someone could answer me. I really wanted to revise but every time i see my books, i feel like sleeping. Is it the environment? the weather? or is it me?

I'm always feeling sleepy, tired and restless. Exhausted. what should i do now? take a break? change an environment? or a change in my studying methods? Jeez, i really need to revise. I wanna pass my second year.

Let's do my best. She-na, dont give up! oshi oshi oshi!

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