Early in the morning, I opened my eyes and saw the time on my alarm clock and went back to sleep. Unknowingly, I accidentally skipped my financial reporting class. During my poly days, skipping morning lectures is a norm. But now, i'm feeling damn gulity about it. Not too sure why, but i thought i should be more responsible in my own studies. I promise myself that this is will be the first and the last time I will ever skip a class, and for the whole day i'm feeling really bad about it.
I do encounter funny moments today, when I was updating my facebook, one of my best schoolmate left me a comment on my note yesterday. coz I gave her my blog as www.animenana@blogspot.com instead of http://www.animenana.blogspot.com/ she was yelling at me...lolz.....and of course, it's my friend's 21st birthday today, and poor guy he is in army at some air force school. And I still have one more week to think of how to celebrate my 21st bday too...still thinking...perhaps stay at home and watch anime...lol
anyway, that's all for today. Oh yea, on a special note, huifen guessed my blog name correctly without me hinting her. she is so damn pro can....ok, that's random. =)
yupp, i know i'm pro.
thank you :)
i am the best schoolmate!
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